The Worship Room Event Log

Words and Prophecies

Below is a catalogue of the words, prayers and prophesies gathered from each Worship Room event.
These are gathered from written, spoken and online contributions, following each event.

Willowbed Hall “UNIFIED”
[ 7 Dec 2024 ]

Time to reflect, time to rest, time to rejoice
To rest in the presence of your majesty.

Speak to us Lord, may your spirit rest on us,
Gather to bring glory, gather to bring praise,
There is intention, it is the place to be.
Mold us Lord, stretch us Lord, examine our hearts Lord
Jesus was a carpenter
We all need to be chiseled into the likeness of Jesus,
Each of us have imperfections, both inside and out.

Leave your suitcase on the platform, the journey Jesus is taking us on, he wants us to be lean and rely on his word, his provision, put our full trust in Him.
How much the suitcase weighs us down, those things that we hold on to, those possessions and ideas.
Like a hot air balloon held down by sand bags, the things of the world hold us down.
As we let go of the sandbags we rise with you Jesus
Jesus is so interested in each of us
In the hot air balloon you are above all the filth and noise of the world, just the stillness with the Lord.

Like a balloon festival as we rise with Jesus we can see more and encourage each other.
There was a balloon still on the ground, the person was shaking their head saying I won’t let go, it was like a massive weight but they looked into the eyes of Jesus held their hand and the balloon rose.

That all the venues that the worship room is held, the atmosphere will change
because of the worship that has taken place, people will say there is a peace in this place.

There is going to be a call on your life and you will have to lay it all down.
In the world’s eye it seems like madness but to the Lord it’s obedience, it’s your call.

Preston Village Hall
[ 27 May 2024 ]

Phils Word
1. In February, the Lord released a word that keys are released to unlock destinies stolen by the enemy.
2. This same vision was given to another intercessor in a meeting about padlocked people.
3. The Lord sent me to Hamburg to the harbour. I foundmany harbour rails with thousands of padlocks- represents locked souls.
Proverbs 30.
Don’t scorn, don’t curse your mother or father.
Honour your mother and father.

Speak the name of Jesus over every stronghold.
Jesus to break the chains of addiction.
Jesus to heal and restore relationships,
Jesus to guide our children,
Jesus to bring salvation
Jesus to bring revival
Jesus to bring his kingdom rule.

I speak life and blessings on the community of Upwey to bless the people and see Jesus in their lives and to give hope to the lonely and broken hearted.

I pray for All Saints school, for its enior leadership team, for its leaders and support staff.
I pray God would move through the power of his Holy spirit through the
corridors , the class rooms , the sports halls and the staff room – bring about positive change.
I pray the whole community would shine for Jesus and so it would become a beacon of excellence!
I pray people would feel the difference that a spirit filled school makes to the lives of our young people.

Melcombe Regis
The King sees those who have lived her a long time and those who are new to the area trying to find ones that they can feel at home with. Lord yousee them all, those who walk, those who use wheel chairs , mobility scooters, bikes, cars, vans. Speak to the aching hearts. Jesus I pray that you call them.

My prayer is for the good busineses in Weymouth town centre. We pray for enough to live and enough to give, for local business to thrive and for new excellent ventures that are good and wholesome to spring up. I pray for safe streets. We pray anything not good or wholesome to be shut down.

Dear Lord,
I stand on your promises! So send us outwith your annointing to open the hearts of the people of Portland and we will be obedient speaking of your love and your saving power, explaining as you would have us say. Amen

Psalm 65:8
The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders – Lord we say that as people look at the beach and the sea they will realise that their is a creator and experience
meeting you king Jesus.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for your wonderful grace and mercy. Lord I pray for your continued prescence in the whole of Weymouth and Portland and the people in it who work
with the people who do not yet know you, may they be blessed by your knowledge of love. Amen

In the worship the picture I saw of waterlilies opening up as it began to really rain and then I think we are those lilies and God is pouring out on us.

Pray for Chickerell:
Revival is going to hatch out if leaders/ christians come together in unity for there God shall command the blessing of his promise: Holy Spirit.

Psalms 96: 1 –13
Radipole and Southill – Psalm 147: 5 –7
Great is our Lord and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure (v5)
The Lord lifts up the humble and he casts the wicked to the ground (v6)
Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make melody to our God pm the lyre.

1. Picture of a round rock with a seam down the middle. When you hit the rock there is a fossil inside. Are our hearts hard? This does not allow Jesus to
breathe into your heart. Pray the spirit of God would break the surface of the seam and break open hearts so the heartbeat of the spirit of God can breathe within you and life can thrive in Jesus.
2. Picture of a runner who is trying his best, but he is carrying a massive rucksack, the things of life that weigh him down, he needs to cut the straps in order to run faster for the kingdom.
3. Cutting a cucumber fast, having the word Jesus on every piece so surrender all of yourself to Jesus.

When people come together in unity God commands the blessing. We bless ALL Weymouth and Portland to prosper in every way in Jesus name!

Please pray for all those suffering with anxiety and mental health in our communities. Pray also for our newly elected officials to bring a fresh breath of ideas inspired by the Holy Spirit in order to elevate our town.

Please pray for the people on the barge for people of Portland and for all the churches. Yes please pray that all those on the barge are treated well and shown respect.

I feel that God would like to bring community back into Westham. Can we pray for old Bridge Court in Newstead Road, where we are the only christians living there at the moment. I see the Marsh blooming like a meadow with lots of different wildflowers each one a person who visits the Marsh and feels and sees Gods love healing their hearts.

 Praying for Portland, we have an outreach three Saturdays in July at the Bill,
Quiddles and Easton.
We also pray for CAP on Portland, Foodbank, Bubble and Rise, the new fair
share larder.

Willowbed Hall
– 25 March 2024 –

I pray that Portland people – especially those born and bred there, or who have been living there a long time – will cast off a feeling of inferiority because they’ve felt looked down on by Weymouth – because God sees them (us) as very precious and valuable to Him.

Lift up their heads to walk tall in Jesus.

Dear Lord please help save Westhavens’ sad, scared of their own shadow, and find their voice. 
Please help to fill their lungs with the Holy Spirit and keep me sharing with them that it’s not a matter of age difference between us. 

Thanks I’m grateful with all the believers I have now met.   Lord please work through me as it’s helping me and I hope it is them. 

in the prophecy from Jean Darnell in 1982 about this area.   It’s TIME.   We so want you to set us on fire.  
Each one build a fire in our area in our churches where we serve Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.

Wake up our prodigals Lord!!!  Speak to them during the night as you spoke to Ryan. 
Impact their lives, so that they can see you face to face and just to be able to once again love you, worship you, give their gifts that you have given them to WORSHIP you and lead their friends and their families to you.   Lord impact their lives.

WAKE UP  !  !

Lord break off disappointment from their lives so that they can worship. !

In the 90’s Randy Clarke came to Weymouth.  He was driving along the seafront and he saw in the spirit all the people wearing dark glasses.  
Angels came into the town from the sea and were ripping off the glasses bringing light
From darkness to light we pray for Weymouth.

Picture: of a burning arrow.  Reminded of Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves.  Arrow left the bow.  Truth heading direct to the target.

Power of the spoken word/worship heading direct to heaven.   Singing out over our community heading direct to target.

Then the words of the song “Everything I do, I do it for you” – like a love song – Jesus speaking back over us.

Father God,   Strengthen all communities,  Send your Holy Spirit to dwell in those places where people meet together.  Gyms, Pubs,
The Golf Course, Working Men’s Clubs, Libraries.   Change the atmosphere.

Lord I pray for safety in the town centre particularly for the vulnerable.  
Keep them safe.  Protect the young and weak.
“They will no longer be prey for other nations and wild animals will no longer devour them.  
They will live in safety, and no one will frighten them.”   Ezekiel  34  v 28

Father God,   Thank you for changing my life so radically and unexpectedly.  I thank you for bringing me to Portland and to Prayerhouse. 
Lord I thank you for your guidance, blessing and loving embrace and I thank you for the new, for making me feel at home, new friends
– a new environment, but most of all a feeling of utter peace and safety.

I ask you this evening to speak into my life.  The “what next” the “not my plans, but yours” the lessons learned from prolonged trauma.

I thank you for the peace on the island and on the beach but tonight I’m mostly asking “What is next”?

Please Lord, just speak clearly – “not my will be done but Yours”